
Friday, July 28, 2023

Wonder Swap: A Fan’s Dream Come True


Here is a picture I commissioned from the amazing artist Jan Hen his Patreon, his Twitter, his deviant art, who illustrated my picture idea of a female super fan swapping bodies with Wonder Woman. The fan is now in the superheroine's stunning and strong body, wearing her outfit and with her sword, shield and lasoo, while Wonder Woman is in the fan's body and in the city being interviewed. The room is decorated with Wonder Woman items, such as a poster, a backpack, a necklace, and a comic book but in the picture it's only a poster that you can see, just use your imagination for how the rest of the super fans room looks like. I really love this picture and the idea that I came up with for this magical swap. Thank you, Jan Hen, for bringing my picture idea to life! 💖

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Hinata Becomes Tsunade

Hello I have a new drawing that I have just finished today of Hinata transforming into Tsunade and I love how my drawing turned out and I will say it's my best drawing to date.

I initially just wanted to practise drawing a female to female transform picture for practise because I haven't tried drawing something like this before but with how well it was turning out I actually wanted to turn it into a proper drawing and I'm really glad that I did because I feel like I did an amazing job and that this will show how far my practising is so far.

Just to let you guys also know that I am still very much trying to improve my drawing skills and to get better at drawing things that I struggle with or things that look difficult so please don't expect me to upload too often till I really improve. Thank you for your support and feedback. 😊

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