Drawing and story by Sonic1991I was at home thinking of who I should swap next and thought of Haruhi Suzumiya, So I grab my body swap camera and teleported to Haruhi's world, When I arrived I was at a beach and nearby I saw Haruhi, Mikuru and Yuki having a day out on the beach.
Haruhi was messing around with Mikuru and Yuki was reading a book, I walk up to Haruhi and asked her if I could take a group picture of the three girls, Which she was happy to do, They got into position and when I took the picture my camera made a blinding white light which covered the three girls and swapped their bodies.
When Haruhi opened her eyes she saw a book in her hands and looked down at herself to see she was wearing different clothes and had a different body, Mikuru was in shock and panicking seeing her own body next to her and Yuki was expressionless as usually while a bit confused about bringing in a different position.
Haruhi looked angrily at me and asked what happened and I explain that I used my body swap camera and that they will be swapped until they wake up tomorrow but I'll treat them to dinner for putting them in this situation.
It was really interesting seeing Haruhi in Yuki's body excited and messing around with Mikuru and Mikuru being shy and cute in Haruhi's body and Yuki just wanting to read and at times grouping her new chest in Mikuru's body, When it started to get late I took them to a restaurant and reminded them that they could have whatever they wanted from the menu, Haruhi ordered a lot of food and drink and Mikuru and Yuki ordered more sensible amounts of food and drink.
By the time I had to pay for the meal I was almost broke but it serves me right for swapping Haruhi without her permission. Afterwards I said goodbye to the three girls and reminded them that in the morning they will wake up back in the right body again and I teleported home.
Back at my home I had a smile on my face that I got another swap done and looking forward to who I will swap next.
The end of the story, I hope you enjoyed the picture and the story, The drawing was based on this picture - https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2015/38/1442424160-1491-bikini-haruhi-maillot-de-bain-mikuru-yuki.png, I do find it hard to draw so I'll admit that most of the time I do trace from pictures but I try to change it if I can to make it look different.